The Bet

We’re not big gamblers. If we go to a casino, the most we’ll consider spending is $20, spread over the course of a few hours. However, every year, we have a bet that will be influencing our trip in somewhat big ways. We don’t bet money, we bet experiences.

Over the past 6 years that we’ve been planning our big trip, we’ve made 6 bets. Every year, we bet on our beloved Detroit Lions for heir season. Every year, I bet high/positive, and Jon bets low/negative (some fan he is!). And wouldn’t you know it, we are 3 and 3 – tied!

What have we bet and won? In no particular order, I have won SCUBA certification, a hot-air balloon ride, and a spa day. Yippee! And Jon has won deep-sea fishing, sky-diving, and dirt bike or 4-wheeling on sand dunes. Boo! And yes, we each have to participate in each other’s prizes.

A separate bet we have made only twice, is on the Superbowl. (today is Superbowl Sunday, hence the reason for this blog post). The first time, 4 years ago, we bet on the Giants and the Patriots. I won, and bought myself a Kindle. Sadly enough, it will probably need to be replaced before our trip. This year, we decided to make another bet on the Superbowl.

This year’s bet directly influences our trip, at least the preparation ahead of time. We had always discussed me working through the end until July 1, with Jon being able to quit a bit earlier and work around the apartment. Our bet then, revolves around him working up until the end with me – to July 1.

If the Broncos win, Jon will work until July 1. If the Panthers win, he can quit early, whenever he wants (within reason of course!). Jon is nervous about it, since he was looking forward to quitting early. But if he keeps working, that’s a bit of extra money that could keep us on the road another couple weeks.

So we are both vested in the outcome of this game, even though the Lions aren’t in it. (Maybe next year?!) We’ll be watching excitedly/anxiously for the next couple of hours!