There’s No Time Like the Present…

…to introduce everyone to our blog! Welcome!! 🙂

As you might be able to tell from the posts, we actually started this blog a couple of years ago. Back then, we came up with a name and reserved this site. Other than a couple of posts randomly published, I didn’t write much on it. At that time, the trip still seemed so far away and we were in saving mode, not ready to do much else for our trip.

Now that the time is drawing closer, it’s about time to “release” this blog out there for everyone to read! I probably won’t be posting a ton, but will have a few here and there that I put out there. I’ll try to capture things we do in preparation for our trip, since it’s a good tool for others to use and also so that we remember everything we went through in order to do this.

There’s a lot that I want to do to this blog before we leave to make it pretty and functional, so hopefully you will be seeing some changes over the next few months! Luckily, I work with a group of talented artists and graphic designers, so I’m hoping a few free lunches or beers at happy hour will convince one of them to help me with the design and programming 😉

In the meantime, I figured that I would give everyone a glimpse of where we are right now with it and start to see some of the things we are doing to prepare for our trip! Feel free to leave comments with any suggestions on things we need to consider or questions you have about it!

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